Castle Rock Colorado Genealogical Society
2023 Education Committee
            Chris Hansen, Chair
  Jennifer Carlisle
  Noel Ferre
  Linda Anthony
  Laura Schuck
General Education Information

All society-sponsored classes, presentations, workshops, etc. are open to CRCGS members at no charge and are conducted virtually unless otherwise noted as hybrid or in-person. To register, Login to our Members section, and select the 'Class Registration' page.

REGISTRATION is required in order to send online meeting details to participants for virtual meetings, and to secure the required space for in-person meetings. General education that focuses on proper genealogical research and documentation is a major goal of this society, and our mission is to provide the tools for it.

Throughout the year, knowledgeable presenters will offer in-depth help on topics of interest to researchers. These may be classes, workshops, and videos which may include information in software use, online search engines, new or established genealogy websites, sourcing, immigration, international records, brick wall approaches, and other subjects of interest. The formats will vary, but all are provided free of charge to enhance and enrich your genealogical research.